Monday, February 27, 2017

hi my name is Dayna Renee Turnbull  I am 18 years old   I love to eat pizza and fish. I love to wear jeans. I was born in gore. I like to go ten pin bowling I do special Olympic swimming and I am going to nationals in Wellington this year. My mum's name is Mel. She likes cooking  and sewing.  My dad's name is David. He likes to watch rugby. He likes rugby and he also likes to watch cricket.

GHS Sports Day 2017

Wow what a great day we had for this years sports day. I'm sitting here writing this blog with a very sunburnt face and leg so i hope the students aren't too badly burnt.
I was most impressed by my students 'give it a go' attitude and the other students support of their efforts. It was also great to see some parents supporting their children.
A highlight would have to be the wheelchair race- well done guys, possibly a yearly event now!

Friday, February 24, 2017

Hello my name is Dylan and i am 15 year old and i go to gore high school.  I have a brother and his name is Kaleb and he is 12.  My mum is Dianne and she likes to go to the pool to do aqua aerobics she cooks yummy food for us. My dad is a diesel mechanic and works on trucks.  Dad takes me to Teretonga to watch drag racing  and racing cars i love to watch the cars racing around the track.  I
also like to watch and play rugby at school,  my favourite rugby team is all blacks. I like to swim and I do special olympic swimming and I am going to Nationals in Wellington.     

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Spastic Cerebral Palsy.
You would not Expect a girl my age to be going through lots of Medical Stuff through out her life.
But I do (Charlotte Mitchell)
I was diagnosed with Spastic Quadriplegia Cerebral Palsy when I was nine months old.
My Mum (Rachel) and my Dad (John) were both shocked when they found out that I had Cerebral Palsy.
I took them awhile to take it all in.

So now I will give you a bit more of a detailed description on my medical condition.
My parents were both told that I would never talk or HAVE full movement of my Hands and my Arms but I went and proved them wrong.
I cannot walk  because I can't feel my legs. I have very bad eyesight. I got my very first pair of glasses when I was nine months old and I have had glasses ever scene then.

My right side is more weaker than my left side. I basically use my left arm / side for everything.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

My beautiful Home Town
Nelson New Zealand
I was born on the 11th of May 2001. My family and I lived in Nelson for the first Four And a Half years of my life. We lived in Nelson for the Six months Of Quentin's Life.
Nelson was I was diagnosed with my medical condition. I was born in Nelson Hospital. I went to Nayland kindergarten. We lived in Victory Square. We lived in Toitoi  Street I miss living in my Home Town. I went to move back to Nelson.
I miss my Dad, Family and My Friends. I loved Nelson do much

Human Rights Hands.

Hi there Learning Hub Bloggers

I have had a couple of attempts and somewhere we might find my first attempt at writing this blog.
I loved seeing the beautiful, colorful hands you all colored this afternoon. They look great and I am looking forward to seeing what Mrs Dickson will do with them, for your Human Rights learning.
Great work students. We might even be able to attach a photograph of your finished work tomorrow.

Mrs McDiarmid
Madi's family

My family is the most important thing to me.There is my  mum Liz and my Dad Richard there is my  Sister who is 25 and my Brother who is 22 there is also me madi and I  am turning 18 and there is my nephew Harrison and he is 2 Mounths old. My family does many different things  my mum sew and makes origami my dad like being in his shed my  sister does not live with us anymore  my brother likes to play video games and  I  like  to play video games and hanging with friends.

Monday, February 20, 2017

My amazing family ♥♥
I have one Awesome Family.  My family Is the Best.
I have a very big  group of family.  My mums name is Rachel. My mum likes to do Zumba,  Art, Craft, Walk  the Dogs and stuff like that.  I got my craftiness of my of my mum. I love my mum so much.
My Dad's Name is Stuart. He works at Allied concrete. My Dad likes to play with model Trucks. He also likes to take photos of trucks and spend time with his family.
I have one teenage  brother his name is Courtneah. He is 17 years old.
I have one Sister and her name is Josephine she is 9 years old she.  will be 10 in May.
 my brother Quentin is 11 years old. He will be 12 in November.
My brother Addison is 6 years old. Addison will be 7 in July.
 Addison is the youngest.
My brother Fergus Will be nine years old in December. He is 8 years old.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

My name is Charlotte Elizabeth  Mitchell. I am 15 Years old. My favorite colors are all the color's of the Rainbow. But mainly blue. I love to Eat Takeaways.
I love to Chill out in the Learning Hub Before School and in my Break times. I really love School.
Last week I got my new glasses. One pair is blue and they are made by Specsavers  and the other pair is purple and they are made by converse all Star.
I have Hazel And Brown Hair. My height is between 150 and 165 Cm's I think.
I was born with Spastic Cerebral Palsy.  I love to wear Jeans and Sorts.
So here we are Monday morning in Gore, Southland. We are in Literacy, writing a combined post for our blog. It is a very warm Monday morning and its meant to reach 26 degrees. From today we will all be making independent posts.

Saturday, February 18, 2017

I am sitting outside this fine sunny Sunday writing a critique on how this blog is going for the students. Well guys, what do you think? Can we make this work? Again, watch this space...

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Well we have now had two short weeks back for the year. New Friends made, new subjects signed up for and more wonderful students have joined our great Learning Hub. Next week will be a challenge though, as it will be our first 5 day school week! Watch this space....

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

We are a group of learners who have become a family at Gore High School. We are aged between 12 and 18 years of age. Our classroom is a place where people can receive extra support with their learning, form relationships, learn new skills and support each other to succeed!