Tuesday, April 4, 2017

 Hi Mrs Dickson thanks for the amazing camp experience again this year it was really nice to get away with everyone. The drive up to Mosgiel was really funny. Thanks again for this amazing opportunity. 

 Here in this picture is me and Dayna chilling outside school at morning tea before we left for camp. 

 I reckon my favourite parts of Camp were having Mr McKinlay come and stay with us ( THAT MADE ME FEEL REALLY SPECIAL ), the Full Train Ride and just spending time with everyone (THAT WAS THE BEST PART ).  

 The food we had was really delicious especially Dinner and Desert. I really liked the Train Ride it was awesome. 
By Charlotte

Monday, April 3, 2017

The Last Post

Lest We Forget

For the rest of term we are learning about these great soldiers The ANZACs and about the first Dawn Parade. We are also looking at what occurs at a Dawn Parade. The rector Mr McKinlay came in last Friday and discussed the Last Post and its significance. He then played it for us on his trombone. The students felt very special having this played for them.
Can i ask that over the holidays if anyone goes to the Dawn Parade that the students make a post here on the blog to discuss what they saw and how they felt being there.